Present: Grace Axler-DiPerte (BIO), Christina Colon (BIO), Jodie Delsol (PHYS SCI), Craig Hinkley (BIO),
Mary Ortiz (BIO), Kristin Polizzotto (BIO), Robert Schenck (PHYS SCI)
Meeting began at 11:30am.
- Mary welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming.
- Mary and Craig discussed the MACUB Conference for 2021. See poster on next page.
- The MACUB (Metropolitan Association for College and University Biologists) Conference will be remote this year on 10/30/2021.
- Deadline for submission of student abstracts is 10/15/2021. The website link is:
- Deadline for registration is 10/25/21 via the website.
- Powerpoint presentations will be done by the students this year instead of posters.
- Kathy Nolan is president of MACUB, and her email is
- Robert discussed his research on sediments. Discussion about possibly finding diatom fossils in his samples was discussed. He uses the SEM on his samples and the XRD instrument for minerals. He has been working, and working with students, online, but will soon be back in the lab.
- Kristin discussed the research project her BIO1300 (Gen Bio 1) class is doing. The students germinate any kind of seed (ex. kidney beans, mung beans, radish seeds) on damp paper towels with essential oils, banana peels, etc., to see what germinates and grows. The students design and set-up the experiment, collect data, and can do it a second time.
- Mary discussed the research project her BIO2100 (Comp. Anat.) class is doing. They are selecting one class of vertebrates and observing them for the semester at a location of their choosing. Christina mentioned a live cam at the Baltimore Aquarium that could be used in the future. Grace mentioned the live cams at the National and San Diego Zoos. She shared the websites for these in the chat: and
- Craig shared CSTEP is now open to Math and Computer Science majors. He explained the program. Christina shared she could use a computer science student to work on the data on horseshoe crabs.
- It was mentioned that we can now text students to add to our communication with them.
- Jodie shared that she will be offering workshops in Mid-Oct and Nov to recruit STEM majors, and speak on advisement, research programs, and mentoring. She can contact students.
- Christina shared passive monitoring by listening for bird calls. She will let us know more about this.
- Christina and Robert discussed coyotes on Long Island, before and after the invasion.
- The Lantern Flies were also briefly discussed.
- Craig mentioned the Cells Alive website. Grace and Craig posted the following websites: and
You can see bacterial growth in a plate. There is also something on HeLa cells.
- Grace mentioned the Harvard Mega Plate Study video “horror” movie on bacteria.
- Next meeting: Wed, 10/20/2021, at 11:30am via Zoom. Mary will send out Zoom info for the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 12:20pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz