KCC FIG – Undergraduate Research as a High Impact Practice
Minutes of the Meeting of Fri, 5/6/2022, 10:20am via Zoom
Mary Theresa Ortiz – Facilitator
Present: Grace Axler-DiPerte (KCC BIO Faculty), Karen Colombo (KCC Nursing faculty),
Lilja Nielsen (KCC BIO Faculty), Mary Theresa Ortiz (KCC BIO Faculty)
Meeting began at 10:20am.
- Mary welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming.
- We did introductions and brief research backgrounds for all present since we had a new participant.
- Grace discussed her soil diversity project in collaboration with the KCC Urban Farm using Winogradsky columns.
- Lilja discussed her research with students in CSTEP using online and molecular databases.
- Mary shared an update on the joint research project she and Laura Spinu are doing with their Speech and Biostatistics classes. She will share it after the meeting with the group.
- Karen shared how she wants to incorporate research into her Nursing classes. She may want to work with a CRSP student.
- Grace explained that Kieren Howard is the Director of CRSP at KCC. She also explained that Karen would need to complete the CITI Certification to do research with human subjects. Also, CUNY IRB approval is required for collaborating with human subjects. IRB applications are via a CUNY link. There are deadlines to adhere to. Here is the IRB link:
- Karen did a project with her class where students submitted a survey with questions on how the pandemic affected their ability to learn.
- Grace suggested having students design/create surveys. Can use previous work as a teaching tool.
- Gordon Ally-Young should be contacted regarding HRTP.
- Grace shared some useful links:
https://hipresearch.commons.gc.cuny.edu/ The link for this FIG.
https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/wac/fellows.html The KCC WAC link and Writing Fellows.
https://www.kbcc.cuny.edu/faculty/kctl/StrategiesforSuccesswithESLstudents.html KCC ESL website.
The second and third links above were posted because we discussed issues with students writing unintelligible documents.
- We plan to continue meeting in the Fall 2022 semester. Format TBD. Mary will send the minutes of this meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15am.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Theresa Ortiz